About Seguro y Sano

Seguro y Sano

Seguro y Sano / Sana y Protegida: Our mission is dedicated to empowering those who are experiencing domestic violence by establishing and providing safe housing, supportive counseling, and legal advocacy. We were formed in April 2019, and we work in the Guayas, Mexico area.

We are a not for profit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization registered in the state of Arizona, USA, and a registered Civil Association not for profit in Mexico.

Board of Directors

The board of directors has the following positions. At this time for privacy/security the names are withheld. President
Vice President
Legal Representative

    Why We Help

    In Mexico:

    66.1 % of all women age 15 and older have experienced some kind of violence in their lives.
    49% have suffered from emotional violence.
    29% have suffered from emotional-patrimonial violence or discrimination.
    34% from physical violence.
    41.3% of women have suffered from sexual violence.

    Of the women who were assaulted in some form, 78.6 percent of them have not sought help or reported their attacks to authorities. Guaymas and the surrounding communities have NO women’s shelter, therefore they cannot escape the abuser.

    Stop Domestic Violence

    • Intimate partner violence alone affects more than 12 million people each year.
    • More than 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
    • Half of all women and men have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
    • Females ages 18-34 generally experience the highest rates of intimate partner violence.
    • An average of 8 women are killed by a current or former partner every day.
    • 15% of women and 4% of men have been injured as a result of intimate partner violence.
    • More than half of female victims of rape, physical violence or stalking who identified a need for housing services did not receive them.
    • Men exposed to physical abuse, sexual abuse and/or domestic violence as children are almost 4 times more likely to perpetuate domestic violence as adults.

      Alto a la violencia doméstica

      • La violencia de pareja por si sola afecta a más de 12 millones de personas cada año.
      • Más de 1 de cada 3 mujeres y 1 de cada 4 hombres han vivido experiencias de violación, violencia física y/o acoso o acecho por parte de su pareja a los largo de su vida.
      • La mitad de todas las mujeres y hombres han experimentado agresión psicológica por parte de su pareja a lo largo de su vida.
      • Mujeres en edades entre 18-34 años son las que generalmente experimentan las tasas más altas de violencia por parte de su pareja sentimental.
      • En escala nacional n promedio diario de 8 mujeres han sido asesinadas diariamente por su pareja actual o anterior
      • 15% de las mujeres y 4% de los hombres han sido heridos a causa de la violencia por parte de su pareja sentimental.
      • Más 50% de las mujeres quienes a lo largo de su vida han sido víctimas de violación, violencia física o acosos por parte de su pareja y que son identificadas con necesidad de servicios de vivienda, no los recibieron.
      • Los hombres que fueron expuestos al abuso físico, sexual y/o a la violencia doméstica en su niñez son casi 4 veces más propensos que otros hombres a perpetrar violencia doméstica cuando son adultos.
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